Monday, December 27, 2021

Win in the Dark, Crossfit.

Win in the Dark is a book by  Joshua Medcalf.  It is a very fine motivational book, but one of the main principles is that you do the work.  You do the work alone, don't post it. Surprise your competitors.  Most recently on  Mark Bell podcast, (I have inserted the youtube).. Chris Hinshaw is being interviewed.  First lets address who is Chris Hinshaw.  Chris Hinshaw is an Endurance, Aerobic coach for alot of the Crossfit community.  He has been around a number of years.  He has coached the endurance aspect to crossfitters and crossfit communities.  But, this is the part you may not know.  He finished 2nd at HAWAII IRONMAN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS back in the day as  Pro Triathlete.  Plus he had several high finishes and even Won Ironman Brazil as a pro.

    Mark Bell is interviewing Chris Hinshaw about Rich Froning.  There is a little clip in the interview where Chris mentions that Rich Froning was just working out on his own doing the workouts.  No social media, no posting, just working out.  WINNING in the DARK.  It was the year, Rich Froning won every event in the final of the 2014 Crossfit games.  He was doing an insane 1000 GHB's per week.  Holy Smoke.

If  your an athlete who wants to win the CROSSFIT games. Don't post your workouts on Social media.  BE the dark horse at the games or in the regionals.  Win in the Dark.  You want to be the champion work on your transitions between exercises.  Most top crossfitters are too slow in transitioning from one exercise to the other.


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